Why choose WalDrugMart Pharmacy?

Why choose WalDrugMart ?

No more trips to the pharmacy means no more hassle.

You can expect to receive your orders within 10 to 21 days after we get your prescription from you or your doctor. You can expect your refills to arrive 8 to 15 days after placing your order.

We provide these other benefits:


Fill 90-day prescriptions. Members can request a prescription online, by phone or can download order form to fill manually to order for prescriptions. Send manualy filled order forms at info@waldrugmart.com


Safety is our priority. Our pharmacists double-check each order. You can also consult our pharmacy team with questions through Live chat or leave your message, Pharmacist will respond to your query within 24 hours.


You could save about 80% from our quality generic and brand name products, if you have preferred mail delivery benefits. All orders receive standard shipping. Orders above value 300 USD receive free standard shipping.